
Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is a milky substance, secreted by bees to feed the suckling, found in royal cells that stand apart in the honeycomb and has the main function to feed the Queen Bee, which is anatomical and physiologically different from the worker bees that live quite less than that one and are completely sterile. Royal jelly Polenectar™ has in its composition a high concentration of amino acids and vitamins, which helps the normalization of human body glands and several vital organs. It is also an excellent auxiliary on the following treatments: flu, common cold, anemia, physical and mental prostration and hormonal alterations. A measure spoon is provided with the product.

Packages: Flask containing 10g, 30g, 100g and in bulk.

Use suggestion: Adults: A full spoon in the morning and at night before sleeping. Children: Half dosage.

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